Whilst it may not be the same as physically touring the school, the next best thing is a virtual tour! Below you will find a video tour of the school with a brief summary of each area of our school.
The hall is used to deliver the P.E curriculum where children enjoy Gymnastics, Dance and participate in team games. The first classroom is for our youngest children, years 1 and 2. The classroom is set up to facilitate children learning through play through carefully chosen and organised resources, which are available for children to access independently.
The rest of the classes offer a more formal approach to learning, but there is an emphasis on active learning and using a variety of teaching strategies, such as visual, auditory and kinaesthetic which allows children to be experientially involved in the learning process. Contextual learning makes learning meaningful to the children by connecting to the real world Each class has a large table whereby the children sit together and eat breakfast and lunch.
This forges strong relationships between staff and the children. Staff can develop conversations that are more casual and relaxed. You will notice that each class has its own calm area, which is used by the children to self-regulate and is a safe designated place where children can regulate their emotions. Children are different strategies to support them.
Reading is a priority and each class has its own reading area where children are encouraged to read for pleasure.
Around the school, there are numerous spaces, which encourage children who become heighted to deregulate. The climbing wall encourages children to refocus their minds on the challenges by focusing on balance, agility, confidence, coordination and problem solving. The cool zone is a sensory integration room, which includes a range of resources that target the development of vestibular and proprioceptive sense allowing the children to become attuned to their bodies and the way that they move.
The Thrive Room is a therapeutic space, which is used by our Thrive PR actioner to support children with their emotional and social development. Outside, we have our own Forest School, which is a child centred inspirational learning process that offers opportunity for holistic growth through regular sessions. It supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.
All children are timetabled to use the area during curriculum time and as a choice on Options Friday. We have two Forest School Leaders and use Forest School sessions as part of our curriculum offer. Outside we also have a Horticulture area, trim trail and an area for children to engage in outdoor ball games.
New Virtual Tour coming soon!