Choosing which direction to take after leaving school is a big decision. We’re here to support our students and make sure they know about all the options open to them. Our curriculum focuses on careers and we provide our students with meaningful career-related opportunities and activities throughout their time with us.
Vocational Links, Careers and Work Experience
At Belmont, we have a fantastic Vocational Educational programme, which both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 pupils have access to. We have a large Horticulture area in the grounds and a whole building dedicated to the delivery of mechanics and building/construction.
Food and Nutrition lessons are delivered to all classes to promote independence and healthy living whilst developing the key skills to work safely within the kitchen.
Our careers advisor meets with pupils from Year 9 onwards and provides support and guidance on careers and post 16 college choices. In Key Stage 4 pupils will be given the opportunity to undertake a two week work experience placement arranged by the school and tailored, wherever possible, to meet each pupil’s individual interests and needs.
The school prides itself on equipping pupils with the necessary skills and qualifications and is extremely proud of its proven track record of ensuring pupils are able to move on to appropriate training or education upon leaving Belmont.
Beyond the Classroom
Pupils undertake a number of educational visits during the school year; these include visits to museums and field trips to support curriculum subjects. Within the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Nurture classes, the school is developing an “Enterprise” curriculum to enhance pupils key skill areas for employment and equip them with knowledge and skills that are essential for the modern workplace. Within Key Stage 4 pupils are given the opportunity to attend Burnley College for one day each week to support with their transition.
The Secondary school has adopted an Enrichment program that allows pupils to explore a range of activities within our curriculum offer away from the typical classroom environment. This program also gives pupils the opportunity to develop their social and emotional skills in a mixed class group. The Secondary school holds residential trips to a range of destinations to further develop cultural capital.
Our Careers Lead is Simon Moorhouse If you have any questions about careers, higher education, work experience, or if you would like more information about our careers programme, please contact Simon.