The progress of all pupils is monitored closely by the Headteacher and Deputy Head. We have a Clinical team, Pastoral team and Pupil Support Workers who all oversee the general welfare of all our pupils who all support the Class teacher.
Each team has a Class teacher and at least one Pupil Support Worker who communicate on a daily basis with the pupil’s parents or carers via a Home School Diary, email or by telephone.
Our Pastoral Team are always on hand to help with any issues a pupil may have. The wellbeing and progress of pupils in all years is monitored by the Assistant Pastoral Managers, Miss Patton, Mr Lane, Miss Fenton and Miss Harvey and overseen by the Operations and Pastoral Manager, Miss Westerman.
The Pastoral team work closely with the Pupil Support Workers and Family Support Officer, Mr Charnley to provide individual pastoral support aimed at improving pupils’ behaviour and encouraging them to fulfil their potential in the classroom. They work closely with parents and carers wherever this is required. They come to know their pupils exceptionally well and have a vital role to play in ensuring that pupils make the most of their time at Belmont School.
The Pupil Support Worker
Each class group has its own Pupil Support Worker who, in partnership with the teaching staff, is responsible for the behaviour within the classroom and during non-curriculum activities. The Pupil Support Worker works alongside teaching staff providing additional support for learning according to the pupil’s individual needs in a caring and structured environment.
Behaviour Support
The school aims to provide a high standard of education to its pupils within a caring environment. To enable pupils to meet their potential the school helps and encourages them to improve their behaviour and social skills so that they can take the best advantage of the educational opportunities the school offers. Socially acceptable behaviour is encouraged through a positive reward system.
At the Secondary site pupils’ good behaviour is rewarded through the consistent use of our points system, providing the opportunity to take part in activities such as football, pool, music, board games and computer games during morning breaks and lunchtime breaks. Consistently good behaviour throughout the week is recognised through the award of merits and the opportunity to take part in longer and more varied activities on Friday afternoons, such as swimming, golf, bowling, football, gym, cultural visits and movies and through opportunities to take on a variety of responsibilities.
Pupils’ good work and positive behaviour is rewarded through commendations awarded by staff for outstanding work in their lessons. Certificates are presented in assemblies where all success is frequently recognised and celebrated. Further awards are made at the end of each term for consistently good behaviour, effort in class, excellence in each subject area and attendance throughout the term. As part of the school enterprise scheme, pupils also have the opportunity to earn money by completing paid work during Options on a Friday afternoon.
Pupils who have not met the school’s high standards of behaviour either in or out of class are given the opportunity to reflect on their behaviour with the support of the pastoral team.
School and Family Liaison
The school has a Family Support Team including Danielle Davies, Wayne Charnley and Michelle Jolly. The team’s role is multi-facetted and covers:
- Supporting good attendance
- Supporting children and families using the common assessment framework (CAF)
- Accessing available community / other agency support for families
- Advocating for young people
- Supporting referrals to CAMHS, Social care and other external agencies
- Family and parenting support
School Meals
The school prides itself on the quality of school meals and catering provision. We realise the importance of healthy, nutritional meals which cater for all our pupils needs. Kitchens achieve high standards in health and safety, with both being awarded Level 5 food ratings.
Nutritional salads, jacket potatoes and sandwiches are available in addition to hot meals every day. A selection of cereals, fresh fruit and toast are available each morning. Our chefs cater for all dietary requirements taking into consideration medical, religious and cultural beliefs.
The School Day
Primary Site
Monday – Thursday
8.45 – 9.15 Breakfast
12.00 – 1.30 Lunch
2.45 Finish
8.45 – 9.00 Breakfast
11.30 – 12.00 Lunch
1.45 Finish
Secondary Site
Monday – Thursday
8.30 – 9.00 Arrival and Form Time; breakfast available
10.30-10.45 Break
12.15 – 1.15 Lunch
3.00 Finish
8.30 – 9.00 Arrival and Form Time; breakfast available
10.30-10.45 Break
12.15 – 1.15 Lunch
2.00 Finish